EVA Orthotics
We can supply you with CNC milled orthotics from any scan format or casting method you supply. We offer a range of EVA densities and dual density blanks and top cover selections.
Option 1: Send us your LaserCam design files and script and have us manufacture your devices
Option 2: Send us your cast, foam box or scan file (.stl, .wrml) and your script and we'll take it from there
Finishing options:
Raw: Your EVA device is sent back raw and untouched from the mill - giving you ultimate control in fitting
Minimal: Your orthotics are sent back with a mild grind to remove rough edges and mild undercut to prepare for shoe fitting. No covers applied.
Max: Your orthotics are ground to fit an indicated shoe size and top covers applied as well as any other additions, deflections and apertures.

Diabetic Orthotics
Designed with accommodation and deflection in mind these devices come default with a top cover of 3mm Plastazote and 1.5mm or 3mm slow release poron. If the patient has a pressure area or ulcer to deflect from please indicate the location and depth of deflection. We can also apply different material inserts for deflection including EVA, poron and silicon.

Footwear Modifications
Footwear modification is under-utilised in the Podiatry profession. Custom made or medical grade footwear can be incredibly expensive and there are many conditions that can be handled effectively with off the shelf footwear with modifications. Modifications that we offer include:
- Limb length adjustments
- Heel raises
- Medial and lateral heel counter extensions
- Re-lasting footwear
- Rocker sole modifications

Coastal Orthotics has been using CAD CAM aided orthotics for over 20 years and has over 30 years experience in manufacturing orthotics in the clinical setting. We are owned and operated by clinically based podiatrists.
2 Chetwynd Rd